Week 9 – Possibilities?

As I was driving the other day, I saw a rainbow that went clear from one side to the other, and it reminded me about the bridge that we need to create from our left brain to the right brain.  I thought that was a pretty cool visual!

I feel like I’m behind in my assignments, and I’m trying to catch up. I can feel my old blueprint trying to stop me from moving forward and taking those baby steps, but at the same time, I start thinking more about what I want in the future that I hadn’t even thought of before.  That maybe, just maybe, I may be able to actually attain some of these thoughts.    And at the same time, discouraging myself because it really can’t happen.  Oh that old blueprint does not want to let go.

It’s exciting because I now know what’s happening.  To me, that’s a big step towards the reality that I can have control of my future if I really want it!  I notice that I guard my thoughts closer than before, and try not to go down the weedy path.  I still cannot claim a full day of positive thoughts, but hour by hour it’s getting better.

I still feel the deep rooted weeds in me, and at least I am aware of them now.  I’m getting better and better everyday!  I noticed that it’s easier for me to do my reading and exercises when I’m working than when I’m at home.  I have more time, but then I fill it up with other things.  Funny creatures we are!

I will continue this course because I know that I have a fighting chance against my old programs and blueprint.  I am thankful for this course and all who are making this possible!  Happy Thanksgiving and Mahalo!

17 thoughts on “Week 9 – Possibilities?

    • Hi James,

      Those old blueprints are pretty strong. What’s exciting is that I understand why I feel the way I do, at times, and I’ve just gotta beat those guys down! I will continue and make it! I know I will!

      Mahalo for your support!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Myriam,

      I’m right behind you! I keep telling myself to put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes I feel like I’ve falled off the trail, but I always find it and it’s never too far away. Let’s push through together!

      Aloha, Susan


  1. I’m so happy for you being so open about your frustrations.
    Yeah it is not easy.. but you are doing it, so celebrate.. yeah you are taking the baby steps that you think you are not.. because you are doing the things.. you want to do more, and that you are beating yourself up for.. and that part is the old blueprint.. so.. celebrate for every read, every exercise.. hump up and down and scream I DID IT! or something..

    Keep doing it.. and you will get better and you will get more done.. don’t give up on your dreams..


    • Hi Charlotte,

      This yoyo feeling is crazy! But it’s so interesting to understand why I feel like I do. I will not give up. I’m not ready to give up. I have to be careful about giving in, though! I am in it to the end! Mahalo for your support!



  2. Feeling the frustration myself over how hard it is to deal with the old blueprint! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have this (MKE) experience somewhere around junior year in high school? We wouldn’t even have an old blueprint to have to do battle with! Keep at it – and I’ll do the same. ‘Better now than never’ is what I tell myself to stick with it.


    • Hi Rob,
      Thanks for reaching out. Yes it would have been amazing if this was available when we were younger,but I don’t think I would have taken advantage of it in high school. That old blueprint is awfully strong, but it also helps to know why I’m getting frustrated. Better late than never is my motto, so I guess I’ll stick to it too!

      Mahalo, Susan


  3. Susan,
    I love what you are saying! I see your persistence. I feel your passion for the course. What you are doing is not gone unnoticed. It’s so great that you are getting what Marks saying in the webinars. Keep up the good work!

    MKE Certified Guide


    • Hi Caryn,

      I think I’ve got to go through this course at least another 2 times, to begin to really understand all that is being shared! I will continue to put one foot in front of the other, not look up or around and concentrate on getting to the next step! Mahalo! Susan


  4. Way To Go Susan,
    The system that were created in your subby, were not created over night.
    Most Likely they will not be adjusted to your new reality over night.
    But you are well on the way down the Hero’s Journey pathway, when you know what they are, how they got there and what you have to do to replace them.


  5. I so appreciate your stick too it ness! Rainbows abound here in Kauai and I want to mahalo you for point them out as another shape and color I can utilize to stay on the path! ALoha


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